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She hadn't gone far when something hard and furry caught her around the ankles, and she did a belly
flop that knocked the wind out of her. Before she could even catch her breath and try to struggle, she
found herself trussed like a thanksgiving turkey.
* * * *
Hauk jerked upright. Frowning, he looked around, cocking his head to one side to listen for the strange
noise that had startled him from his half slumber.  Did you hear that?"
"What? Sylo asked, coming out of the ship just then.
"I thought I heard something, he said, rubbing his eyes before looking around.
"What did it sound like? Sylo asked curiously.
Hauk shrugged and yawned.  Bird call maybe?"
Sylo looked around.  Cole ain't back yet?"
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Hauk sat up straighter. He'd lost his buzz.  What do you mean she isn't back yet? How long has she
been gone?"
Sylo shrugged.  Seemed to me it'd been a couple hours."
Hauk staggered to his feet, weaving slightly, trying to shake the fumes of the brew from his fogged mind.
 Seriously? Federation damn it to hell! I knew that woman was trouble. Iknew she'd take off at the first
Sylo gave him a look.  Why'd you let her go off then?"
Hauk glared at him.  She probably just got lost, he said sulkily.
"Well, you better go hunt her."
"What do you mean,me ? You aren't going to help me? Hauk demanded.
"Somebody has to fix this ship. If I leave Fuzz here alone, Fuzz'll have the whole ship disassembled by
the time I get back."
Heaving a long suffering sigh, Hauk started off in the direction of the lake.  If I ain't back pretty quick,
you better come look for me,  cause I've still got enough of a buzz, I'm not sure I can find my own way
"Sure thing, buddy, Sylo said, settling in the spot Hauk had just vacated and lifting a brew to his lips.
Hauk glared at him a moment. He had a bad feeling that it might be a while before Sylo thought to look
for either of them if he didn't make it back.  If you take off without me, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you
the next time I find you."
"You and whose army? Sylo called back to him, chuckling.
Deciding to ignore that remark, Hauk made his way slowly to the lake. He was uneasy enough, by now,
that he would have hurried. Unfortunately, the ground was uneven, and several times he stumbled right off
the path and into a tree.
He started yelling her name as soon as he caught his first glimpse of the lake. As tempting as it was to
sneak up on her and possibly get a good view of her charms, he wasn't convinced that he was currently
in any condition to fight her off if she decided to take exception to his interests. At least if he warned her
he was coming, she couldn't try to punch his lights out. On the other hand, the woman was damned
unreasonable you just never knew about her.
She didn't respond, however, and when he reached the lake, he stood staring at the water for some
time, blankly, before looking around. He found her discarded jumpsuit in a pile nearby, and it sobered
him instantly.
Before his imagination could fully comprehend the ramifications of a jumpsuit and no sign of Cole, a
strange noise caught his attention.  Whooooopeeeeeee."
Hauk jolted to attention, looking around himself so quickly, he almost fell down with the wave of
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dizziness that washed over him.  What the hell?"
The rustle of brush behind him startled him, and he whirled toward the threat, whipping his gun out and
bracing his feet wide apart to balance himself.
A half a dozen small creatures covered in short hair from head to foot emerged from the brush. He
studied them wide-eyed for several moments.  Well hey there, little fellas. You wouldn't happen to have
seen a naked woman running around here now, would you? Did you frighten her away? he said with a
It was the last thing he remembered before pain exploded inside his head.
Hauk woke with a groan. He wasn't certain whether it was his throbbing head or the sensation of motion
that made him want to puke his guts out. It took a strenuous effort to will the sickness away. In the end,
pain superseded all else, and he opened his eyes.
The first thing he discovered was that he was looking up at the sky. Completely disoriented, he stared
blankly at the tops of the trees for several moments before he realized that his arms and legs were hurting
because he was tied to a pole. His ass was burning because the short little bastards that were carrying
him weren't tall enough to hold him off the ground.
He began struggling to free himself and managed to shake their grip loose. He knew this, because he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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