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Lotus Dakini of the West, summon the fortune of transcending samsara and nirvana and magnetize everything that appears and exists!
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jang chog le kyi khan dro ma / le zhi thrin le yang khug chig / nö je dön geg tshar chö dzö
Action Dakini of the North, summon the fortune of the four Buddha-activities and annihilate harming demons and obstructing spirits!
nor lha tshog dag khor che kyi / dzam ling yang nam dir khug chig / cha yül di ru cha khug chig / yang yül di la yang khug chig
Deities of wealth, Ganapati and retinue, bring here all fortune of the world!
Bring here auspicious objects! Bring here fortunate objects!
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ne khang di la tag par zhug / yang che di la ten par dzö / tshe dze di la chü chig phob / mi nor di la sung kyob dzö
At all times remain at this dwelling place; cause these objects of fortune to be steadfast!
Give potency to life substances and at this place protect wealth!
gyur wa me par ten zhug tshal / chi me tshe yi ngö drub tsöl / ze me ter gyi ngö drub tsöl / sö nam nor gyi ngö drub tsöl
I beseech you to remain steadfast and unchanging! Bestow the Siddhi of immortality! Bestow the Siddhi of inexhaustible treasures! Bestow the
Siddhi of merit and riches!
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chog dang thün mong ngö drub tsöl / be me lhün gyi drub par dzö / sarva siddhi a la la ho
Bestow supreme and ordinary Siddhis! Let it be accomplished spontaneously and without effort! sarva siddhi a la la ho
8J?- 2eR.- $;%- :$$?- 5
Thus apply yourself in summoning fortune and recite a number of times. Thereafter recite repeatedly as often as possible. Accumulate thirteen recitations at the least [or]
recite as many times as you wish. Swiftly attain the two kinds of Siddhis! Samaya
>- ZA; {- $?3- ]- 3- 5K- ;A- z; AR- o/- 3#:- :PR- /R
hum hri / ku sum la ma tshe yi lha / or gyen khan dro nor lhe tshog / rang gi lü ngag yi sum dang / tshe ten drub dze di nam la
Hum Hri. The three Kayas, the guru, deities of longevity, the land of Uddiyana, Dakinis, assembly of wealth deities, my own body, speech and
mind, a solid life - established and substantial, all these
3#:- =- 3A/- v
kha la trin tar thim pa tar / chu la chu zhag ta bur gyur / mig me khyab dal long du A
are like clouds dissolving in the sky, or water pouring into water. Free from thought A pervades all-encompassing expanse.
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Within a state of non-distraction, rest at ease. In the unborn Dharmadhatu let go of everything. In an unconditioned state remain free and open. Conjoin with the
indestructible seal. Samaya
2}R- 2- (R/- =3- :.A- v
Recite the dedication prayer accordingly.
>- ZA; .?- $?3- .?- 3J.- .$J- 2- :.A?; :PR- i3- .2=- 1R%- 2NJ?- {R3- IA; #$- 2}=- ,3?- &.-
hum hri / dü sum dü me ge wa di / dro nam ül phong tre kom gyi / dug ngal tham che rab zhi ne / dö gu long chö phün tshog ne
Hum Hri. By this virtue of timelessness beyond the three times, may all beings be relieved from the suffering of poverty, hunger and thirst, and
may all wishes and enjoyments be fulfilled.
thar thug de chen zhing kham su / or gyen nang wa tha ye kyi / go phang dam pa nyur thob ne / chir mi dog pe sa thob shog
At last may they attain the most excellent state of the master Padmasambhava and Amitabha in the buddhafield of great bliss and reach the
ground of no return.
This translation was heartfully requested by Bu Nima Lama, and fulfilled by Ina Bieler in November 2006.
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