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days. The most likely item to be smuggled was drugs, and it made no
sense whatsoever to leave them somewhere. Why not just deliver
them to where they were going? And that would be a major
population center, not tiny desert towns. Besides, no one heading to
Las Vegas from South America would come past here.
It didn t make any sense whatsoever.
Jaz tired to wiggle her shoulders to relax her tense muscles
without alerting the men to the fact that she was awake. If they
thought she was still unconscious likely they d talk and tell her what
was happening. At least, that s what always happened in the movies.
But the men didn t speak much, and the only thing Jaz knew was
that they were still in the desert on a track or off-road because they
were traveling not very fast over rough ground. Once they reached the
highway, they d go a lot faster and could be heading anywhere. Even
84 Cara Adams
more importantly, once they reached the highway, Hunter and
Damien would have no hope at all of finding her. Not that anyone had
seen the minivan approach the cemetery anyway.
Why did they abduct me? There has to be a reason. It would have
been ten times simpler to just leave me in the tent. Why?
Why the transfer of goods at the cemetery, and why had they
taken her? They were the key questions. If she could answer them,
she d know what this was all about. Maybe the crates would tell her
Jaz twisted herself up into a sitting position and then used her
heels and her butt to inch across the floor until she was beside the
crates. There were eight of them, which meant there d been two in
each fake grave. There was quite a lot of sandy grit on the floor of the
van, which seemed to prove they had been dug up, so her guessing
was doing okay so far.
It took her quite a while to wiggle past all the crates, but their only
markings were a series of letters and numbers, which likely meant
something to the owners of the shipping company but didn t help her
at all.
Now what? Preventing the bad guys from reaching the highway
seemed to be the most important thing. How was she to do that?
Jaz leaned back against the crates and thought.
* * * *
Damien really enjoyed the hike with Hunter. It d been way too
long since he d taken a day off to go hiking. The weather this time of
year was absolutely perfect. Hot, but not too hot, and with a slight
breeze to temper the sunshine. He stretched his legs out and walked
using his entire body. It was a great feeling. At the top of the first hill,
he and Hunter waved to Jaz, who appeared as a tiny dot in the
opening of the tent. Then they turned and kept going. It took longer
than he d expected to reach the second, higher hill, but there was still
Unleashing Seduction 85
more than enough time to get back to the tent before dusk, and
downhill would be faster anyway.
He and Hunter walked along the ridge, admiring the amazing
view.  Fuck, the desert is so beautiful. I could never live anywhere
 Me either. City people think it s empty, but there s so much life
hiding inside it, and the view is ever-changing.
He walked to the end of the ridge and turned slowly to look at
every one of the three-sixty degrees laid out before him. Tucked
between two ripples in the countryside was a tiny white box.  What
do you think that is, Hunter?
 Huh? Where?
Damien pointed. It wasn t moving. At first he d wondered if it
was a minivan or truck, but why would it be parked there? It didn t
seem big enough to be a house, and why would a house be painted
white all the way out here?
 It looks like a truck or a minivan. Maybe it s an RV and someone
is camping there.
 Oh, all right. An RV makes sense. Damien turned and fist-
bumped Hunter. Ever since they d been boys it had been their
standard method of signaling success, congratulations, or simply
agreement to each other.
They each drank some water, looked around a little more, and
then, conscious of Jaz and Phideaux alone, and of dusk only a few
hours away, started to head back. They didn t talk much, but they
didn t need to. Sometimes they followed each other, and other times
they walked side by side or even a few yards apart as each chose a
different route down the hill and across the desert.
At the top of the hill closer to their camp, Damien rubbed his
sweaty face with his shirt, conscious that Hunter couldn t do that
since he d given up his T-shirt to care for the dog s paw and was still
bare-chested. Fortunately they both had olive skin that was unlikely to
sunburn this early in the season.
86 Cara Adams
 You can wipe your face on the back of my shirt if you want to,
he said.
Hunter laughed and shook his head.  It s okay. I m good.
They shared the last of the water, and then Hunter tucked the
empty bottle in the back pocket of his jeans. Damien walked to the
edge of the hill and stood facing toward the campsite.  I wonder if
Jaz What the fucking hell?
The white minivan they d seen before had pulled up beside the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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