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he s accepted his role in life. His mother is happy, no longer lonely. I foresee this young man becoming a
good farmer and contributing to the community. And it is all because we went out to do the right thing for
the wrong reason.
That had been two summers before, and the young squire had seen on numerous occasions his mentor
do the right thing with no proper motivation.
 Wulder is pleased, Sir Dar had said,  when you do the right thing even without the inspiration of a
noble purpose. Intellectually, you recognize the righteous rationale. You have the good sense to do the
good deed, even if your heart, full of folly, has claimed a less noble basis for action. I doubt that you get
the abundant reward that Wulder would have bestowed on you for the same action done with a pure
heart. Nonetheless, I m sure He is pleased at the end results.
Three years of intense training to always choose the more honorable course, and still I have to
consciously make the decision to help where help is needed.
He eased his leg into a more comfortable position and rubbed the calf muscle where the snake had
grabbed him. He looked up at the multitude of stars and wished the doneel statesman were with him
now. The Wizards Plume now graced a spot a tiny bit closer to the top of that southwestern mountain
 Sir Dar, I would like to hear you say again,  There can be as many wrong reasons to do the right thing
as there are stars in the sky. There might even be more than one legitimate right reason. But there is never
a right reason to do the wrong thing. Not ever. 
He watched the sky for some time, even saw a shooting star. When the mountain air became too chilly
for comfort, he rose to his feet and strode to his bed. The secluded house sheltered three women, when it
was supposed to be his sanctuary for several months.
Bardon sat on the only chair in his small sleeping chamber and pulled off his boots. He lay down on top
of the covers, his hands behind his neck. What would be a proper principle for the happenings of this
day? One readily surfaced in his mind.  Wulder gives His servants their needs according to His
wisdom, not by the reasoning of man. Principle thirty-nine.
The next morning, a cloud cloaked the lake and valley. Tiny whiffs of air swirled the white vapor as
Bardon made a tour of the clearing s circumference. He found no unusual animal signs, and Greer
reported nothing had interrupted his sleep. Of course, that didn t signify much. Bardon had known his
dragon to sleep through thunderclaps that woke wine-sodden ne er-do-wells.
The young man climbed over the rocky projection toward the water. The dragon skimmed the surface of
the lake and landed next to him.
 Let s go for a swim, Greer.
Bardon tossed a bundle to the ground. He pulled off his tunic and shirt and sat down to work on his
 No, I m not changing into court dress to impress the ladies. I m cleaning up to be more comfortable. I
feel like I was dragged through a lake backward.
Greer bobbed his head, and a rumble emanated from his throat.
 Thank you, Greer. I appreciate your evaluation of my comedic attempt. I, too, think my sense of humor
is developing nicely.
Having shed the rest of his clothing, Bardon snatched up his bar of soap and dove into the chilly water.
Greer followed, wading into the lake. The mist hovered over the water, thinning and eddying and lifting as
the sun grew stronger. By the time blue sky canopied the lake from one rim of mountain peaks to the
other, Bardon was walking up the grassy slope to the cabin. He presented himself, freshly groomed and
dressed in the best he d brought with him, at the breakfast table. In the back of his mind, he heard Greer
chiding him about his gussied-up appearance.
Mistress Seeno twitched her nose at him, her whiskers bouncing.  You don t smell quite so fishy this
morning, she squeaked.
Bardon smiled from his place beside her. He felt more confident in clean clothes, when freshly shaven,
and with his hair in place. N Rae brought dishes to the table. He caught her eye and winked.
 None of that, said Jue Seeno.  The girl s too young and senseless to be attaching herself to the likes of
Bardon ignored her, and as soon as Granny Kye took her seat, he addressed Wulder.
 We thank You for this food and for the hands that prepared it. We ask for guidance in every step of this
day. By Your might and wisdom, may we live and breathe.
They ate turtle-egg brouna and a pastry filled with razterberry jam. The brouna had herbs, cheese, and
wild onions folded within it.
 This is delicious, Granny Kye. Thank you, said Bardon after swallowing the first bite.
 I only cooked it, she answered.  Mistress Seeno put it together.
Bardon nodded at the minneken.  Thank you, Mistress.
 You re welcome, I m sure. She spoke the words formally, preening again, touching her collar in a
manner that indicated she was pleased. The minneken nodded at N Rae.  The girl helped, of course.
N Rae looked down at her plate, a pale rosy glow rising to her cheeks. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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