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et al., Security Concerns of the New Russia, Vol. II (Alexandria VA: Center for Naval
Analysis, 1995), p. 34, where this demand is made explicitly; and Lena Jonson,  In
Search of a Doctrine: Russian Interventionism in Conflicts in Its  Near Abroad , Low
Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, V, No. 3, Winter, 1996, p. 447.
54 Ambrosio, see note 44, p. 82.
55 Cited in Konstantin Syroezhkin,  Russia: On the Path to Empire?, in Rumer, see note
41, p. 123.
56 Mary Elise Sarotte,  Transatlantic Tension and Threat Perception, Naval War College
Review, LVIII, No. 4, Autumn, 2005, p. 32.
57 John Roper and Peter Van Ham,  Redefining Russia s Role in Europe, in Vladimir
Baranovsky, ed., Russia and Europe: The Emerging Security Agenda (Oxford: Oxford
University Press for SIPRI, 1997), p. 517.
58 S. I. Chernyavsky,  Washington s Caucasus Strategy, Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn',
January 1999, cited by Zbigniew Brzezinski,  Living with Russia, The National
Interest, No. 61, Fall, 2000, p. 9.
59  Russia to Pressure Disloyal CIS Countries, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 13 October 2005,
retrieved from Lexis-Nexis.
60 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Newsline, from Radio Mayak, Moscow, 11 October
61  Russian Minister s Military Pact Comment Seen as Warning to Rice in Central Asia,
NTV, Mir, 11 October 2005, retrieved from Lexis-Nexis.
182 S.J. Blank
62 Anna Roze and Andrei Terekhov,  Sergei Ivanov Didn t Say Anything Dramatic,
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 15 September 2005, p. 5, cited in CDPP, LVII, No. 37, 12 October
2005, p. 13.
63 Conversations with Ukrainian officials, June 2006; Igor Torbakov,  Russia and the West
Set to Clash over Ukraine, Eurasia Daily Monitor, 9 June 2006.
64  Russia Will View NATO Bases in Baltics as a Threat  Defense Minister, Interfax,
AVN Military News Agency, Moscow, 10 June 2005.
65 Moscow, NTV, 2 July 2005 (FBIS: Sov., 2 July 2005).
66 Charles Clover,  Ukraine Looks East, FT.com, 21 January 2001, accessible at: http://
www.ft.com; Charles Clover,  Kiev Warned on Neutral Policy, Financial Times,
12 July 2001, p. 2.
67 Ivan Ivanov,  The Twain Shall Meet, p. 37. See note 1.
68 Yuri Borko,  Rethinking Russia EU Relations, Russia in Global Affairs, II, No. 3,
July September 2004, p. 171.
69 Moscow, RIA Novosti, 30 June 2004 (FBIS: Sov., 30 June 2004).
70 James Sherr,  The Dual Enlargements and Ukraine, in Anatol Lieven and Dmitri V.
Trenin, eds, Ambivalent Neighbors: The EU, NATO, and the Price of Membership
(Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2002), p. 120.
71 Bugajski, see note 18, passim; Krickus, Iron Troikas, see note 18.
72 Sergei Medvedev,  Power, Space, and Russian Foreign Policy, in Ted Hopf, ed.,
Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy (University Park, PA: Penn State University
Press, 1999), pp. 46 7.
73 Hannes Adomeit and Heidi Reisinger, Russia s Role in Post-Soviet Territory: Decline
of Military Power and Political Influence, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies,
Forsvarstudier No. 4, 2002, p. 5.
74 Antonenko and Pinnick, eds, see note 3, passim; Lynch, ed., see note 3, passim.
75 Ibid.
76 Ibid., and also for example the discussion in the 129th Bergedorf Round Table, Frontiers
and Horizons of the EU: The New Neighbors Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, 15 17
October 2004, LVIV, pp. 80 8.
77 Moscow, Itar Tass, 19 July 2000 (FBIS: Sov., 19 July 2000); Dmitry Danilov,  Russia
and European Security, in Dov Lynch, ed., What Russia Sees, Chaillot Paper, No. 74,
pp. 91 5; Moscow, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Transcript of Remarks and Replies to
Media Questions by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Following the Russia
NATO Council Session, Brussels, 9 December 2004 (FBIS: Sov., 9 December 2004).
78 Stephen Blank, The NATO Russia Relationship: Troubled Partnership or Marriage
of Convenience (Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Research Centre Carlisle
Barracks, 2006).
79 Danilov, see note 77, pp. 80 6; Centre for Eastern Studies (Warsaw), NATO s New Role
in the NIS Area (Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies, 2005), pp. 34 43.
80 Vladimir Socor,  Moldova Decries  Russian Occupation, Draws Mixed Western
Response, Eurasia Daily Monitor, 3 December 2004, and Idem,  Russia Proves OSCE s
Irrelevance on Moldova at Year-end Meeting, Eurasia Daily Monitor, 14 December 2004.
81  NATO and EU to Discuss Transnistrian Conflict, Russia Journal, 6 June 2005,
accessible at: http://www.russiajournal.ru/news/cnewswire.shtml?nw=48303;
Is East West integration possible? 183
 Vladimir Voronin Had a Phone Conversation With Piotr Poroshenko, the author
of the Ukrainian Plan for Transnistrian Settlement, Moldova Azi, 27 June 2005,
accessible at: http://www.azi.md/news?ID=34792;  Russia is Worried About Chisinau
Parliament Statement, Moldova Azi, 13 June 2005, accessible at: http://www.azi.md/
news?ID=34610; Lyudmilla Feliksova,  Waiting for Miracle, Moscow, Rossiyskaya
Gazeta, 15 June 2004 (FBIS: Sov., 15 June 2004).
82 Conversations with US officials in Washington, 2005 06. These conversations were with
members of the Department of Defense, Department of State and the National Security
Council; Ron Susskind, The One-Percent Solution: Deep Inside America s Pursuit of
Its Enemies Since 9/11 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), pp. 224 8, 307 8; Peter
Baker,  Russian Relations Under Scrutiny, Washington Post, 26 February 2006, p. 1;
John Vinocur,  Putin s Brazen Moves Force Bush to Recalibrate, International Herald
Tribune, 27 February 2006, p. 2, retrieved from Lexis-Nexis;  Russia: Friend or Foe
of the USA,?, Pravda.ru, 27 February 2006, from Johnson s Russia List, 27 February
2006, available at: http:// www.cdi.org; on Korea, see C. Kenneth Quinones,  Dualism
in the Bush Administration s North Korea Policy, Asian Perspective, XXVII, No. 1,
2003, pp. 197 224; David Ignatius,  A CEO s Weaknesses, Washington Post Weekly,
12 18 September 2005, p. 27; Karin Lee and Adam Miles,  North Korea on Capitol
Hill, Asian Perspective, XXVIII, No. 4, 2004, pp. 185 207; Robert M. Hathaway
and Jordan Tama,  The U.S. Congress and North Korea during the Clinton Years,
Asian Survey, XLIV, No. 5, September October 2004, pp. 711 33; David E. Sanger,
 Aftereffects: Nuclear Standoff, Administration Divided Over North Korea, New
York Times, 21 April 2003, p. 15; David Ronnie,  Rumsfeld Calls for Regime Change
in North Korea, Daily Telegraph, 22 April 2003; Gordon Furlough,  Talks Display
U.S. Rift on Pyongyang, Wall Street Journal, 28 June 2004, p. 9; Bill Gertz,  USA
Considers Reactor Deal with North Korea, Washington Times, 19 May 2004, cited by
Aidan Foster-Carter,  Pyongyang Watch: Six-Party Glacier: Did the US Melt,?, Asia
Times (online edition), 28 June 2004, accessible at: http://www.atimes.com; and the
author can attest to those policy divisions on Central Asia from his conversations with
US officials from the Department of State, Defense, and the National Security Council
over the period from May 2005 to the present. See also  The Pentagon s Mission
Creep, Jane s Foreign Report, 1 June 2006, accessible at: http://www.4janes.com/
subscribe frp/doc_view.jsp?K2 DocKey=/content1/janesdat/mags.
83 Stephen Blank,  A Framework for Unfreezing Eurasia s Conflicts, RUSI Journal, CL,
No. 4, August 2005, pp. 50 5; and idem.,  Security in and Around the Black Sea: Is a
Virtuous Circle Now Possible?, Mediterranean Quarterly, XVI, No. 2, Summer, 2005,
pp. 44 66.
84 Michael Ruhle,  Quo Vadis NATO?, NATO s Sixteen Nations, No. 5, 2004, pp. 14 20;
Mustafa Aydin, Europe s Next Shore: The Black Sea Region After EU Enlargement, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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