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'Why shouldn't you?' asked the Doctor. 'If the High Council and the people were happy with your term in
'Be that as it may, Doctor, I was defeated. Defeated and deposed. Niroc, a complete nonentity, was elected
by an overwhelming majority.'
'How could that happen?' asked the Doctor.
'I can tell you how,' roared the Sixth Doctor. 'Fraud, chicanery,
jerrymandering and jiggery-pokery.
Typically unscrupulous Time Lord tactics. Isn't that so, Lady Flavia?'
'There were those who thought so - myself among them to be honest. But nothing could be proved.'
'So what happened next?' asked the Doctor.
Flavia shrugged. 'Niroc became
President and packed the High Council with his supporters. As an ex-President I retain my place by right, but
I am completely isolated.'
The Doctor brooded for a moment, then asked, 'Lady Flavia, before the rumours began, did anything in
particular happen?'
Flavia frowned. 'I'm not sure what you mean, Doctor.'
'Was there any particular problem, any crisis in Presidential or High Council affairs that concerned you?'
Flavia frowned, thinking back. "There was one...'
'It concerns a matter of State security, something about which the utmost secrecy must be maintained at all
times. I'm not sure it is proper for me to tell even you.'
'Good grief!' exploded the Sixth Doctor. 'If you're not prepared to trust us...'
'Lady Flavia, we can't help you, or ourselves, unless you trust us completely,' said the Doctor gently.
Flavia considered, and then made up her mind. 'Very well. There were rumours - nothing more than rumours
-that the secrets of the Matrix were no longer safe. That high-grade technological information was being
'Who brought you these rumours - the Agency?'
Flavia shook her head. 'It was the Capitol Guard - they have a small Intelligence Division of their own. I
checked with the Agency and they poured scorn on the whole idea. The security of the Matrix, they assured
me, was under their charge and it was impregnable as always.'
'Did you learn anything further?'
"The Capitol Guard told me that one of their agents, operating off-planet, attempted to send back a message.
Transmission was broken and only one word got through -"Ravolox".'
The two Doctors exchanged glances.
'And after that?' asked the Doctor.
'After that I was deposed and had no access to information of any kind. Niroc closed down the Capitol Guard
Intelligence division. He set up a Secret Security Committee, from which I was excluded.'
The Doctor nodded thoughtfully. 'Something for the inquiry to look in to!'
'What inquiry?' asked Flavia.
'We haven't set it up yet,' said the Sixth Doctor. 'Lady Flavia, has Niroc got all the High Council in his
'Nearly all. There are about a dozen Independents - just for the look of things - Time Lords considered too old,
too weak or too stupid to pose any real threat.'
'Five, plus you, is all we need!' said the Doctor.
'Need? What for?'
'To set up a Committee of Inquiry.'
The Sixth Doctor helped the astonished Flavia to her feet.
'Be kind enough to come over to this terminal, Lady Flavia, and tell us exactly who these Independents are...'
Sitting with their feet up on the desk, the Doctors beamed at each other.
With Flavia's help they had reviewed the background of the few remaining Independents on the High Council
and selected the best of an undistinguished lot. All necessary arrangements had been made and the
Committee of Inquiry was due to begin sitting very shortly. Flavia had gone off to talk to the chosen group,
and to rally them for the task ahead.
Since then the Doctors had polished off several plates of assorted
Gallifreyan delicacies.They were both holding silver goblets filled with
Rassilon's Red, Gallifrey's finest vintage.
'I think things are going rather well,' said the Sixth Doctor. 'We make quite a good team.'
'You certainly picked up all your cues very skillfully in the President's office,' said the Doctor. "Threatening to
reclaim the Presidency was a masterstroke.'
'Oh, I'm not nearly as stupid as I look,' said the Sixth Doctor cheerfully. 'We can't all be willowy and sensitive,
you know.' His expression became suddenly serious. 'There's one thing worrying me.'
'Only one?'
'You said in the TARDIS that as far as the people in the court were concerned, the trial was still going on.'
'That's right.'
'Well - am I there?'
'Oh yes.'
'How can I be there and here as well?'
'You split off from that self when I
took you out of the Valeyard's false
time line.'
'Well, which is me?'
'Both. I'm you as well, remember.'
'That's easier to take somehow. At [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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