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23 January 2007. http://www.uvm.edu/~dewey/reflection_manual/.
Rischard, JF. 2002. High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty years to solve them. New York. Basic Books. The
list of problems is on p 66.
Creativity, action, service guide 21
Possible progress and completion form models
Model form A: CAS progress form
Teachers should consider the following model when creating their own CAS progress forms.
Name of student:
Name of CAS adviser:
Event Date Signature Comments (sample)
Student has declared an Sept 06 X has displayed initiative
acceptable plan for CAS and has a balanced CAS
activities programme.
First consultation Sept 06 Excellent leadership
between CAS adviser and and involvement in
student school drama. Not much
evidence yet of following
up on the service project.
Second consultation Dec 06 I am pleased to see that
between CAS adviser and X has now got involved
student with the computer club
for handicapped adults.
Student has submitted June 07 Yes.
reflective work
A most interesting
Third consultation Sept 07 I am delighted that X is
between CAS adviser and taking a leadership role
student in the student council as
well as continuing with
other plans.
Student has submitted Mar 08 Yes. Fully satisfactory.
final reflections
Note: More feedback and detail might be desirable but needs to be balanced against overload.
22 Creativity, action, service guide
Model form B: CAS individual student completion form
Teachers should consider the following model when creating their own CAS completion forms.
There is evidence that [student s name] has:
Nature/location of evidence
Learning outcome
( )
(for example, weblog [date], journal [page xx], progress form [date])
Increased their awareness of their own strengths and
areas for growth
Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities
Worked collaboratively with others
Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
Engaged with issues of global importance
Considered the ethical implications of their actions
Developed new skills
Name of CAS adviser CAS adviser s signature Date
Creativity, action, service guide
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