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% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Shipment
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo
% Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 37
Ë% Describe cancel operations
% What cancel operations are available for the various order entities in
Magento (order, order item, shipment, invoice, credit memo)? Do all of
them support cancellation?
% How are taxes processed during cancel operations?
These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions
% Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_OrderController
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Shipment
% Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo
Ë% Describe the architecture of the customer module
Ë% Describe the role of customer addresses
Ë% Describe how to add, modify, and display customer attributes
% What is the structure of tables in which customer information is stored?
% What is the customer resource model?
% How is customer information validated?
% How can customer-related email templates be manipulated?
% What is the difference between shipping and billing addresses for a
% How does the number of shipping and billing address entities affect the
frontend interface for customers?
% How does customer information affect prices and taxes?
% How can attributes be added to a customer address? How are custom
address attributes you converted to an order address?
% Can a customer be added to two customer groups at the same time?
These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions
% Mage/Customer/etc/config.xml
% Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
% Mage_Customer_Model_Entity_Customer
% Mage_Customer_Model_Customer_Address
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 38
10- Advanced features
This topic comprises approximately 13% of the exam. Items are drawn randomly from the
following topics and objectives:
Ë% Create frontend widgets and describe widget architecture
% What classes are typically involved in Magento widget architecture?
% How are admin-configurable parameters and their options specified?
These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions
% Mage_Widget_Model_Widget
Ë% Use the Magento API to implement third party integrations
Ë% Extend the existing Magento API to allow for deeper integrations into third party
Ë% Describe the different Web Service APIs available within the Magento Core
Ë% Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the available Web Service APIs in
Ë% Identify the configuration files used for the v2 SOAP API
Ë% Describe the purpose of the configuration files related to the API
Ask yourself these questions:
% What are the syntactical differences between API versions?
% How is the final WSDL composed? How can it be customized?
% How are existing methods overwritten? How can additional methods be
These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 39
% Mage_Api_Model_Wsdl_Config
% Mage_Api_Model_Server
Other Skills
Ë% Integrate Google features (Google Wallet, Checkout, Adwords, Analytics) into
Magento implementation
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 40
Sample Questions
These questions are representative of the types of question on the exam. Answers are given on the
page following the last question.
1- In which of the following methods would you log event names?
A. Mage::addObserver()
B. Varien_Event::dispatchEvent()
C. Mage::logEvent()
D Mage_Core_Model_App::dispatchEvent()
2- In which order are translations loaded?
1- Module translation files under app/locale/[locale]/*.xml
2- Translations stored in the DB table core_translate
3- Theme translations in the translate.csv file located in the theme
locale/[locale]/ directory
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,3,2
C. 2,1,3
D. 2,3,1
3 - When specifying a custom connection resource for a module that handles the DB reads, which of the
following is a possible resource name?
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 41
4 - Assuming a setup class of Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Setup, which of the following will
correctly add an attribute to the sales/order entity?
A. $installer->addAttribute('sales_order_entity','foo',array
('type'=> 'int'));
B. $installer->addAttribute('sales/order', 'foo', array('type'
C. $installer->addAttribute('order', 'foo', array('type' => 'int'));
D. $installer->addAttribute('sales_flat_order', 'foo', array('type'
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Magento® Certified Developer Exam Study Guide page 42
Answers to Sample Questions
©Magento, Inc., 2011 version 2.0 Jan. 5, 2012
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