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people, but Quinn and Zack had insisted.
 What s wrong? she asked. Jeffries was on the far side of the property, near the barn. He appeared to
be just fine and walking the perimeter, as instructed.
 He s been patrolling the grounds all night. I ll fix him a thermos of coffee and take it out to him.
 Um, excuse me, Ms. Krause?
A tall, elderly man stood a the threshold of the laundry room.
Ms. Krause slapped the side of her head with her hand.  Oh, Mr. Crenshaw, I m so sorry I forgot you
and Mrs. Crenshaw had an early flight. With everything going on . . . she waved her hand.  I ll get your
breakfast as soon as I take care of the deputy out there.
 I d be happy to take Deputy Jeffries the thermos, Ms. Krause, Olivia said.  I ll just get dressed and
meet you in the kitchen.
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 You re a sweetheart, dear. Thank you.
Ms. Krause ushered her guest down the hall. Olivia used the bathroom to change, then folded the
borrowed nightgown and left it on the table in the laundry room. She finger-combed her hair as she
walked back to the kitchen.
With a broad smile, Ms. Krause handed her a thermos and said,  I ll have breakfast for you and your
people in just a few minutes, dear.
 That s not necessary, Olivia said, though the smells of sizzling bacon and oranges made her stomach
growl. Food had been her lowest priority since she d arrived inSeattle .
 Nonsense. It ll be ready. Beth already went upstairs to inform your partner and that nice-looking
married couple. Oh, and I saw the deputy go into the barn a minute ago.
 Thank you, Ms. Krause. Olivia wasn t about to argue with food. She needed it. She took the thermos
and stepped out onto the porch.
Zack rolled over to pull Olivia to him, but his arm felt only a warm spot on the sheets. He opened his
eyes and frowned.  Liv?
He got up and pulled on his boxers, then his jeans. Olivia wasn t in the room, but he figured she d gone
down to get her clothes or meet with her friend Miranda.
He heard knocking across the hall. He opened the door and saw Quinn outside his room. Quinn looked
at him for a moment, his face unreadable.
 What s going on? Zack asked, shutting Olivia s door behind him and crossing the hall to his room.
Quinn followed him inside.  I just spoke with the sheriff.
 Is he here?
 He s fifteen minutes out. The search team found Driscoll s trail and they think he s on his way here.
 To the lodge?
 Yes. He alerted his deputies who are outside, and another team is on its way up to secure the house. I
wanted to brief you, then head down and talk to theKrauses and guests.
 Why would he come here? Zack went into the bathroom, where he d rinsed out his T-shirt the night
before. It hung stiffly over the shower bar, but he pulled it on, rolling his shoulders to stretch it.
 If I were him? To steal a vehicle. He might assume the police will be tracking him, not securing property
in the area. This is the closest occupied residence to where he crashed the truck.
 Which means he s been here.
 Reconnaissance, Quinn said.  He would have surveyed the area before he brought any of the girls up
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here. My guess? He killed Jennifer and Michelle around here as well. Possibly in the same place he took
 I ll send Doug Cohn and his crew back up there when the lodge is secure. Let s go.
 Where s Olivia?
 I think she went downstairs.
 You don t have a problem with me andLiv , do you?
 No problem.
Zack couldn t read the Fed, so he gave up. They went downstairs and walked into the kitchen, joining
Miranda and Beth Krause on the way. Doug Cohn, his assistant, and Josh Fields sat around the table. In
the adjoining dining room, an elderly couple and a young couple with a child sat at the table.
 Where s Olivia? Zack asked.
Kristy Krause smiled brightly as she poured fresh-squeezed orange juice into glasses.  She went to take
Deputy Jeffries some coffee.
Zack tensed.  When? Where?
 About five minutes ago, in the barn.
Zack and Quinn glanced at each other.  Doug, Josh, secure the house, Zack said.  No one leaves until
we get back.
The barn door was ajar. Olivia walked in, the smell of hay and ripe manure predominant.  Deputy
Jeffries? she called.  It s Olivia St. Martin. She didn t want him to think she was an intruder. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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