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Delicious anticipation had begun to build and along with it the desire to prove herself to him. To
show him that she was as worthy of his trust as he was of hers.
She tried to stay strong as the ice cube traced the outer lips of her pussy, moaning, her hips lifting
helplessly. But the contrast of the biting cold against her heated skin was so intense she couldn t stop
shaking. Especially when he slid the cube against her clit, pleasure/pain pulsing through her.
Colors leapt behind her closed lids, flaring brightly in the dark as the sensations layered one on top
of the other. As he ran the ice cube down her center, his finger taking its place at her clit.
Holy Christ, she wasn t going to survive this.
She bit her lip hard to stop the orgasm that threatened, determined to obey him. To show him she
could do what he wanted.
And right when she thought she couldn t take it anymore, his touch vanished, leaving her shivering
on the bed, her skin sensitized and burning.
The sound of her breathing was harsh in the silence.
Then the bed dipped again, intense cold meeting intense heat as she felt him push the ice cube
inside her.
She said his name on a gasp as she felt warm breath on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. A
gasp that turned into a cry as his mouth covered her sex.
The burning pleasure became white-hot, molten, as he pushed his tongue deep inside her, tasting
 Oh& Jesus&  Her voice didn t sound like her own, thick and ragged.
Arching her hips, she tried to move, only to feel herself suddenly hauled up, his arms wrapping her
waist, her legs over his shoulders, his tongue pushing even deeper.
 Luc! Another cry burst from her.
She wasn t allowed to come. She wasn t supposed to. And she fought it like a tiger.
But he was relentless, devouring her, overwhelming her so completely she was helpless to stop the
climax that smashed over her. Sobbing as she was washed away, with nothing to hold on to except
He couldn t wait. He didn t want to wait. The taste of her was still on his tongue and she was
quivering, naked in his arms, and all he wanted to do was blind her with even more pleasure, give her
everything he could.
It didn t matter that she d disobeyed him and come without his permission. What she d given him
when she d handed him that blindfold, when she d told him he was hers, was more important than
Her belief that he wouldn t hurt her, that he d stop when she said her safe word, made him want to
honor that trust. Made him want to be worthy of it.
Made him understand what it meant to trust himself. And make amends for how he d scared her.
Hurt her.
Lowering her to the bed, he slipped from it, pulling his clothes off before coming back to kneel
once more between her spread thighs.
Her whole body was pink, and there were tears on her flushed cheeks, glinting from underneath the
He leaned over her, wiping away the tears with his fingers then moving lower to where the ribbon
of blood stained her pale skin. Moisture gleamed at her throat, sweat from her pleasure. He wiped the
blood away with her tears, with her sweat, wiped her clean.
Jesus& this woman& she made him everything he d ever wanted to be.
Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabbed a condom from the drawer. Protecting himself with
shaking hands, he then leaned forward and pulled the tie from around her wrists, freeing her. She
groaned, her hands coming up to his chest.
He didn t stop, trusting her to say the word if she needed to, but she didn t. So he pressed into her
slick heat, feeling her pussy close around his cock, gripping him tight, and he shuddered, unable to
breathe for a second.
Her hands pressed harder.  I want to see you.
 No. It felt as if it were too much, to watch her face. To see her come. As if he wouldn t be able
to bear it.
At this point he could deny her nothing. Reaching up, he pushed up the blindfold, revealing her
flushed face. And her eyes& they weren t dark. They burned silver.
His heart kicked hard inside his chest. And he couldn t look away, staring down into her face as he
began to move. Slow. Deep. Her hands slid up his arms, around behind his neck, her legs wrapping
around his waist. Holding him tight. Surrounding him.
The cracks through his soul began to shudder. And it wasn t because he was falling apart. It was
because a dark shell he hadn t even realized was there was beginning to disintegrate. And there was
something underneath it.
Something shining. Golden.
He bent his head, burying his face in her neck as the shell broke apart revealing the shining thing at
the center of him. The thing that had been there all along, from the moment he d seen her.
As it shone in his soul, she held him. And when it burned away the dark shell of the man he d once
been, he let it.
Chapter Fifteen
She could feel him shudder, the storm breaking through him, and she didn t let go, holding him tight.
Even afterwards she didn t loosen her arms around him, didn t stop stroking the smooth skin of his
back, feeling all his muscles relax against her. He was heavy but she didn t care. She just wanted to
anchor him somehow.
 Hey, he said thickly, some time later.  Can you give me a minute?
With some reluctance, she let him go and he slipped out of the bed, vanishing into the en-suite
bathroom. A moment later he returned though and she opened her arms to him as he came back to the
 You know how I said you could tell me anything? she said into the darkness, wrapping her arms
around him.  How about you tell me all of it now?
He was silent a while and when he began to speak, his voice was brittle as shattered glass, listing
the things that had happened to him. The first government soldier he d shot, a gun held to his own
head until he d pulled that trigger. How he d been sick after it. The rapes, the tortures he d seen,
powerless to stop any of them from happening until he d been made lieutenant and could command his
own squad. He d shot members of that squad, anyone who perpetrated violence on others. Yes, he
saw the irony of that. And yes, it had killed a piece of him.
She couldn t speak for the anger that overwhelmed her then, at what he d been made to do. At the
people who d done this to him. At the injustice of it all, furious tears filling her eyes.
He noticed, shifting in her arms, putting a gentle finger to her cheek and wiping the tears way.
 Don t, soleil. Please don t cry.
She caught his finger, holding it.  Why shouldn t I cry? Someone has to.
 I don t want to make you unhappy.
 I m not unhappy. I m fucking angry. She kissed his finger.  Do you know how strong you are?
How amazing that you survived that? That you even came out of it sane is incredible.
 Sane is a debatable term.
 Well, you re certainly not mad, she said fiercely.  You were a child made to do terrible, terrible
things. Like I told you before, you don t come out of something like that without scars. Closing her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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