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mayest the more easily recognize him, thou shalt mark him in some part of his face
with the Magical Sword of Art; for that sign which thou shalt have cut therewith in the
water, shall be really found thereafter upon his own person.
The Manner Of Causing The Sieve To Turn,
That Thou Mayest Know Who Has Committed The Theft.
Take a Sieve and stick into the outside of the rim the open points of a pair of scis-
sors, and having rested the rings of the said opened scissors on the thumb-nails of two
persons, let one of them say the following Prayer:
Who liberatedst the holy Susanna from a false accusation of crime; O Lord, Who lib-
eratedst the holy Thekla; O Lord, Who rescuedst the holy Daniel from the den of
lions, and the Three Children from the burning fiery furnace, free the innocent and
reveal the guilty.
After this let him or her pronounce aloud the names and surnames of all the per-
sons living in the house where the theft hast been committed, Who may be suspected
of having stolen the things in question, saying:
 By Saint Peter and Saint Paul, such a person hath not done this thing.
Page 44
Book One
And let the other reply:
 By Saint Peter and Saint Paul, he (or she) hath not done it.
Let this be repeated thrice for each person named and suspected, and it is certain
that on naming the person who hath committed the theft or done the crime, the sieve
will turn of itself without its being able to stop it, and by this thou shalt know the evil
Figure 4.
Page 45
The Key of Solomon
Chapter X.
Of The Experiment of Invisibility, and How it Should Be Performed
If thou wishest to perform the Experiment of Invisibility, thou shalt follow the
instructions for the same. If it be necessary to observe the day and the hour, thou shalt
do as is said in their Chapters. But if thou needest not observe the day and the hour as
marked in the Chapter thereon, thou shalt do as taught in the Chapter which prece-
deth it. If in the course of the experiment it be necessary to write anything, it should
be done as is described in the Chapters pertaining thereto, with the proper pen, paper,
and ink, or blood. But if the matter is to be accomplished by invocation, before thy
conjurations, thou shalt, while burning Incense, say devoutly in thine heart:
GUVARIN; through Him by whom ye have empire and power over men, ye must
accomplish this work so that I may go and remain invisible.
And if it be necessary in this operation to trace a Circle, thou shalt do as is
ordained in the Chapter concerning Circles; and if it be necessary to write Characters,
&c., thou shalt follow the instructions given in the respective Chapters.
This operation being thus prepared, if there be an especial Conjuration to per-
form, thou shalt repeat it in the proper manner; if not, thou shalt say the general
Conjuration, at the end of which thou shalt add the following words:
O thou ALMIRAS, Master of Invisibility, with thy Ministers CHEROS, MAITOR,
TUMI, DABUEL; I conjure ye by Him Who maketh Earth and Heaven to tremble,
Who is seated upon the Throne of His Majesty, that this operation may be perfectly
accomplished according to my will, so that at whatsoever time it may please me, I may
be able to be invisible.
I conjure thee anew, O ALMIRAS, Chief of Invisibility, both thee and thy Minis-
ters, by Him through Whom all things have their being, and by SATURIEL,
HARCHIEL, DANIEL, BENIEL, ASSIMONEM, that thou immediately comest thither
with all thy Ministers, and achievest this operation, as thou knowest it ought to be
accomplished, and that by the same operation thou render me invisible, so that none
may be able to see me.
In order then to accomplish this aforesaid operation, thou must prepare all things
necessary with requisite care and diligence, and put them in practice with all the gen-
eral and particular ceremonies laid down for these experiments; and with all the
conditions contained in our first and second Books. Thou shalt also in the same oper-
ations duly repeat the appropriate Conjurations, with all the solemnities marked in
the respective Chapters. Thus shalt thou accomplish the experiment surely and with-
out hindrance, and thus shalt thou find it true.
Page 46
Book One
But, on the contrary, if thou lettest any of these things escape thee, or if thou
despiseth them, never shalt thou be able to arrive at thy proposed end; as, for exam-
ple, we enter not easily into a fenced city over its walls but through its gates. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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