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daughter getting the same orgiastic treatment, whether to their delight or anguish, made his penis bloat
with lust and press against his pants painfully. Soon ... soon I'll know, and soon after that I'll be
participating. And who the hell knows? Maybe old stick-in-the-mud Carmel will, too. For the first time
in his idyllic marriage, Roger Carmel began to question its solidarity, and the values which he and it were
living by. Had he been so inconsiderate a husband to let Lonnie fall prey to this Latin lover Oliss was
telling him about? Was he that shallow a man as to not know how to hold her fidelity? He was beginning
to think he didn't know. He loved Lonnie and Jennifer with all his heart, and in spite of what the detective
would report, he knew that he would try to repair his marriage with the same panicked desire that
Martin Oliss evinced. He couldn't leave Lonnie ... would she leave him? Was her desires now changed
and she no longer wanted him around? Is that what prompted her actions-if that indeed is what was
If ... if ... The poisonous word berated his tortured soul. The next day or so would be a nightmare, and
he knew that the only way he'd find sleep tonight was to drink himself unconscious. Thank God for the
few drinks he'd had-without them I'd have gone completely to pieces. Roger Carmel slumped to the
bar, utterly dejected, his brain a cauldron of agony and fears. He never noticed as Martin Oliss peered
down on him with a sadistically triumphant leer twisting his lips and mustache.
Chapter 8
Lonnie Carmel couldn't believe her ears! Stunned senseless, she turned to the woman she'd always
considered her best friend, and wailed:
"Cylvia! Noooooo!" Tears steeped her eyes in a bath of agony and fears.
Languidly, Cylvia Oliss got up from the couch and came to stand over Lonnie, and she grinned in
obscene delight as she stared at the young wife's squirming body, impaled as it was by the finger of
lusting Sam Zeigler. She placed her hands over Lonnie's breasts and squeezed the tender globes. "We're
going to show you a new way of life, Lonnie. A better way-and you're going to learn to like it !"
" No ... no . . ." the shattered young woman mewled, cringing. "I ... I want to go home now. I've had
enough for one night." She never had felt so ashamed or alone or defenseless then, for Zeigler and Cylvia
started to laugh fiendishly.
"Stop pretending to be so damned innocent, Lonnie," Cylvia said, still chuckling, "you sure have been
enjoying the show, what with allowing Sam, a perfect stranger to fingerfuck you. And the way you're
squirming around, I'd say you're still hotter than hell."
"I've been a fool," Lonnie wailed. "Oh, God! A drunken fool, but I love my husband and I don't want to
deceive him any more than I already have." She tried to bury her tear-stained face in her hands, but
Cylvia's manipulating hands on her breasts prevented her. Instead she leaned back, her eyes clenched
and wet, her teeth bared over her straining lips. "I've done enough to be sorry for to last me a lifetime."
"Lonnie," Zeigler said, smirking, his finger digging in her trembling cunt, "Lonnie, you've barely begun."
He took it out suddenly.
Together, the gangster and Mrs. Oliss pulled the terrified, but emotionally charged young woman down
on the couch, and then Zeigler started pushing her knees apart and slid his hand once more under her
mini-skirt. Lonnie spasmed with a deep, gurgling wretchedness in her throat as the G-string was pulled
farther to one side of her vaginal slit and he caressed the naked pink flesh. She moaned out her
humiliation, then groaned as Zeigler once more commenced to slowly stroke in and out in a
make-believe of copulation.
"Go on and make all the noise you want, Lonnie. The walls are sound-proofed and the glass
unbreakable. That is, if anybody was interested in what's going on in here-which they aren't. They're
playing their own games while watching the dog-fuck show."
Lonnie Carmel fluttered her eyes open again, and the first sight she saw was the stage. A gasp of utter
horror sprang from her lips, and for a split second she forgot about her own misery as she caught the
obscene spectacle on the bed. The girl, still kneeling on all fours, and the huge animal at her swaying
ivory buttocks, and the beast was mounting her... his huge paws covered in mittens so that his claws
couldn't scratch. But Lonnie's agonized vision telescoped in on the glistening, scarlet tube of the dog's
penis which had slid from his hairy sheath and was now dancing in the soft crevice of the girl's up-tilted
buttocks; the dog jerked and trembled in his attempt to find the girl's vagina and to bury his thick tapered
shaft into her belly.
The girl tensed, evading the alien invasion of her cunt, but the dog, mindlessly thrust time and time again,
and then in frustration, growled and once again bared his saliva dripping fangs. Lonnie held her breath as
the girl, in desperation and absolute terror, reached one slim, young arm back and grasped the slippery
canine penis and guided it to the point of her pink, wet slit where her open vaginal mouth flexed
invitingly. And then the boxer heaved his massive loins forward and buried his scarlet cock into her cunt
with a quick wet rush until it was sunk to the hilt, his hairy balls swinging lewdly below her blonde pubic
Lonnie's breath whistled as she let it out, and a deep burning sensation bubbling in her belly grew in
intensity as the ravishing sight continued unabated. Then her mind jumped back to the room and her own
plight as the couch shifted and Cylvia's sweet feminine perfume filled her nostril's ... she looked around
and the woman was standing naked, unashamed, as breathtaking a blonde Venus as she had been in
Lonnie's arms but a few hours earlier!
Her body and mind, a swirling, shattering craze of liquor and torment, didn't even offer a protest as she
felt her naked girlfriend and Zeigler lift her buttocks and remove her dress... then her G-string, her last
vestige of protection! Her cunt was exposed to their lusting gazes now, and she heard Zeigler groan in
appreciation as he leered over her quivering thighs. A burning shame flowed through her, and she held
her breath as she watched the girl on the bed being buffeted by the dog and then drip saliva from his
lolling tongue onto her back ... and she heard the rustling of clothes, and she knew that Zeigler was
stripping naked.
Then a surging heat inundated her vagina and expanded her breasts, and her brain revolved as Cylvia
unbuttoned the see-through blouse, leaving Lonnie without even the last vestige of decency, and
somewhere in the haze of her mind, she heard her girlfriend say:
"She's a hot piece of ass, Sam. I've had her once today, and she's about ready for you to fuck. But let
me get her really primed first. Help me if you want; she can take anything."
"Noooo," came bubbling from the helpless young wife's lips, but to no avail. Cylvia's lewd suggestion
was set into action without a moment's hesitation; in unison, the naked bodies of Zeigler and Mrs. Oliss
closed in on her, and they began to run their hands over her full, quivering breasts and soft warm flesh
until her white skin glowed pearlescent. Cylvia took Lonnie's nipples and massaged them to agonizing
hardness, and Lonnie could only stare in wonderment as the woman began crawling over her squirming
body and lick her nipples, her areoles, her white curve of flesh ... Then down, down with passionate
kisses over the soft mound of her belly and the smoldering skin of her inner thighs. A seething hot coal
scalded her belly and loins, leaving her thighs and vagina steaming. She tried to close her obscenely
spread legs, but Cylvia's hands forced them apart slightly more.
A gripping lust ripped through Sam Zeigler, making his legs weak and his testicles swell with the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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