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 You haven t heard one word I ve said, have you?
Madison jumped as Rosa reached across the breakfast bar and
slapped her on the arm. Not hard, but enough to drag her away from the
delicious thoughts filling her mind.  Sorry, Mom. What did you say?
With a shake of her head, she tried to focus. For the life of her, she
couldn t wipe the grin from her face. It had been a permanent fixture for
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the last two weeks. She couldn t believe how much she d enjoyed being
with Jake. He d taken her at her word and introduced her to the fun of
dating. All the things she should have participated in at college, but
didn t because she was already hooked up with Clifton.
So what if they were acting like teenagers? They had been the only
adults on the ice at the local rink, but it didn t matter. It had been cool to
act like a kid for a while, even if they did spend more time on their asses
instead of their skates.
Among other things, Jake had taken her to the local café and they d
sat and slurped sodas through straws. They d held hands and whispered
nonsensical things to each other just like college sweethearts. The café
had now become their favorite haunt.
Between going out to dinner like sophisticated adults, and clowning
around like a couple of juveniles, Madison had had a ball. And then
there were the stolen kisses and all the necking in Jake s car& Hoh boy,
talk about upping the sexual tension. Madison felt like she was about to
 I knew you weren t listening. Rosa slammed her hand down on the
counter top, making Madison jump.  I came over here to ask you to go
shopping with me for a wedding outfit. Seems the only way I can get hold
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of you these days is to show up here before you ve had a chance to get
out of bed. What have you been doing with yourself?
Her grin widened.  I took your advice.
 My advice? Rosa frowned, then a matching grin slid across her face.
 No wonder I haven t been able to contact you. You ve been having hot
rabbity sex with your mystery stud.
 Not quite. Madison s thoughts wandered off track again. Erotic
pictures formed inside her head. She and Jake cuddled up inside the
little red convertible. Amazing what the human body was capable of, even
in a confined space.
 Hey, baby girl, come back to me. You ve disappeared again. Rosa
tapped at Madison s arm with the tip of her red-painted fingernail, the
profusion of bracelets on her wrist a musical jingle.  So have you?
 Have I what? She grinned. She knew her mother was after all the
juicy details, but she wasn t about to spill the beans. Some things a
mother didn t need to know, no matter how broad-minded she was.
Rosa released a frustrated sigh.  Have you fucked him yet?
 Motheerrr. What will Bart think when he knows he s marrying a
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potty mouth?
 You let me deal with Bart. Haven t you realized yet it turns men on
when you talk dirty? They find it hot. She licked the tip of one finger and
held it up, hissing in an effort to imitate sizzling steam on a hotplate.
 Anyway, enough of me. Have you got down and dirty with the
resident stud? She watched the blush spread over Madison s face and
burst into delighted laughter.  Hah, you have. I can see the answer on
your face. Come on, baby girl, tell your dear old Mom all about it.
 We haven t& you know, gone all the way. She started to chuckle.
 Good grief, what a juvenile saying, and me nearly thirty. She held up
her hand as her mother opened her mouth to comment.  I m not going to
give you all the details, but there is one thing I ll say.
 And what s that?
 This little chicken ain t frigid.
 Told you so. It was all Clifton s fault. So your stud has come through
for you. Well, good for him. A frown wrinkled the pancake makeup on
her forehead.  So if it s gone this far, how come you haven t done it yet?
What are you waiting for?
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 He wanted to give me time, but you know something? My insides are
turning to Jell-O while I wait. Oh, don t get me wrong, I enjoy all
the& foreplay, but the tension is driving me crazy. When I should be
studying, all I can think of is rolling in the sack with my sexy stud.
 Smart man. Rosa chuckled.  But why wait for him? There s nothing
wrong with a woman putting the hard word on a guy. Jump his bones,
baby girl. Show him what the Paxton women are made of.
Madison had an immediate picture of Jake, sexy and naked, on
scarlet satin sheets, the lights dimmed, soft music playing. She d dipped
into the book she d purloined from Jake s car. The scenario had been laid
out in vivid detail. It had made her wet just reading it. As she
remembered, her pulse rate increased and heat drove through her body,
making her shift restlessly on the stool.
Could she do it?
Was she woman enough to vamp Jake?
Darn right she was.
She was tired of going through each day with the tension inside her
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at fever pitch. It was time Jake put his money where his mouth was. Or
his mouth where she wanted it. And tonight was the night. She couldn t
wait any longer.
 Strange, Rosa said,  I haven t had a bill yet.
 Sorry? Madison shook her head in an effort to dislodge the
lascivious images from her mind.
 The bill. I ll have to track down the advert and give the company a
ring to find out what happened.
Madison sat up straighter on the barstool.  Ah, you don t have to do
that. There isn t going to be a bill.
 What do you mean, no bill? No one hands out their services for free
these days.
 The man likes me, Mom. I mean he really likes me. This is not a job.
This is& there s every likelihood this could end up a steady relationship.
 But he s just a hired body. You can t fall 
 Yep, I can. Madison could see the worry etched on her mother s
face, and she understood where it was coming from, but Rosa didn t
know Jake.
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He was special. In the few short weeks she d known him, he had
broken through the barriers she d erected about her heart when Clifton [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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