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enough to share the story of their untimely demise.
 Now, it s my turn to ask you a question. Eva was a master at
deflecting the attention away from her.  What would your father do if
he knew we were here together? Eva probably had a pretty good idea
what the answer would be. But he sympathized with the need to hear
it straight from the horse s mouth.
Still, Andreas twitched uncomfortably, afraid of where this
line of questioning would lead.  To put it in crude terms, he d have
you killed on sight. So I am very pleased that you decided to bring an
entourage with you, he answered rather stone-faced, referring to the
bodyguards stationed outside his front door.  Me, on the other hand,
I m not so sure. My father and I don t have the best relationship, and
I m sure I ve pissed him off on quite a few occasions. But never have
I disobeyed a direct order. Only time will tell.
Between what Natasha conveyed to him, and the digging
Andreas did on his own, he was surprised Eva tuned out so well-
adjusted. With no parents to speak of, she was labeled a rebellious,
out of control teenager who took out her frustration on those closest to
her. She had trouble forming normal, healthy relationships with others
once she d lost her mother and father. The public school system
couldn t see past the violent and quick-tempered vigilante, and soon
gave up on her.
The irony of the situation was that Andreas had a lot in
common with the huntress. He lost his mother at a relatively young
age and turned his anger toward those around him. His father, in
particular. Andreas was a hell of a fighter and could get the job done
better with his fists than by any other means.
Suddenly, he heard Eva clear her throat, bringing him back to
the present. Andreas looked down at her and studied her face. He saw
through the façade she created for the outside world and recognized
the lost, lonely little girl she had once been. His heart bled for her. He
came up behind her slow, putting his left arm around her tiny waist
and drawing her close. The vampire lowered his head and nuzzled her
neck, taking in the deliciously-familiar scent of gardenias. She let out
a soft moan as Andreas trailed a path of feather-light kisses from her
shoulder blade up to the hollow of her slender neck.
 Don t be afraid. I won t hurt you, he said in reassurance, for
his own sake as well as hers.
She leaned her body into his. A powerful seductress about to
weave her web.  Where s the bedroom? she whispered huskily,
ignoring his comment. For Christ s sake, the woman had no shame.
Eva s breathless declaration turned him on like crazy. The
cheeky little vixen was full of surprises. She didn t have to ask twice.
Andreas placed one more kiss to the sensitive skin along her collar
bone and guided her into the recesses of his private domain.
The huntress followed him willingly into his bedroom. An
enormous bed covered in luxurious, black-satin material set in the
center of the room with a dozen comfy pillows strewn about
haphazardly. The furniture, made of an antique cherry wood was
custom-made for a vampire, dark and sophisticated. But it was the
mirrored ceilings that spoke volumes. Kinky was the best word to
describe it.
Andreas turned her around to face him with both hands and
grabbed a hold of the coffee-brown tentacles of her long hair. He
kissed her deep and passionate. Eva kissed him back with just as
much fervor. They made love with their tongues. In and out of each
other s mouths with savage abandonment. Nipping and sucking
ensued until they both panted, hearts beating in rapid unison.
Impetuous, he pulled away, studying her red, swollen lips and pained
expression. He knew that expression well. Need clawed at him with
the same ferocity. Before he could respond, she lifted his black V-
neck sweater over his head and tossed it to the floor. With bold,
purposeful strokes, she ran her fingers along the valleys and plains of
his body. But it wasn t enough for either of them. She undid the
buttons on his 501 s and pulled them down along with his boxers.
Impatient, he helped her remove the offensive clothing, which left
him bare for her inspection. She came close and reached out to touch
his jutting erection. Andreas took a deep breath to keep himself from
spilling his seed. He smelled the sweet scent of her arousal as it
permeated the air in every direction.
 Your turn. Andreas uttered the words mid-groan. But it was
too late. Eva rubbed her thumb over the tip of his cock as a drop of
hot liquid emerged. A mischievous smile formed on her lips as she
darted her tongue out to taste the unique, salty-sweet flavor on her
finger. She was so sexy, he could barely stand it. The woman s touch
left him completely immobile, balanced on the brink of insanity.
Although he wouldn t let himself lose control. Andreas captured her
mouth again, this time with a deliberate lethargy as if savoring the
essence of her. Their lovemaking would be slow and sensual. Based
on the desire reflected in her eyes, Eva shouldn t have a problem with
that; in fact, he hoped she would prefer it that way. Andreas reached
behind her and slid the jumpsuit s zipper down the columns of her
slender back. He worked the smooth fabric down to the floor. All
without relinquishing the kiss.
Eva stood in front of him. In all her beautiful nakedness. He
stepped forward until their bodies met skin to skin. The feather-light
touch caused her nipples to harden into tight peaks, rasping against
his muscular chest. Andreas walked her backwards toward the edge of
the bed until her knees hit the silkiness of the comforter. She grabbed
his hand and led him onto the bed with her.
Andreas hovered over her body. His eyes roved with fierce
intensity. He stuck out his tongue and expertly licked one perky
nipple into submission. Then he used the friction of his palm on the
other to ignite shivers all over her body. Eva screamed when he
sucked her sensitive tip into the hot recesses of his mouth. He
continued to move down her torso as he showered kisses to the
underside of her breasts and along the curves of her belly. At the same
time, Andreas found the blazing-hot cream between her legs and
rubbed two fingers over it until they became slick with her juices.
Eva remained passive, letting Andreas set the pace. But soon
her dominant side would break free. He could sense it building up
inside of her. A moment later, Eva grabbed his hand and pushed it
away. With no time to react, Andreas allowed the huntress to take the
lead. She flipped him over onto his back with a Jiu Jitsu move and
mounted him. Her legs wrapped around both sides of him like a
powerful sex goddess. Never tearing her gaze away from the deep
green pools of his eyes, Eva slithered down his body. Her tongue
traced a fiery path from the corded muscles of his torso to the
engorged length of his cock. Without hesitation, she inserted the head
of his erection into her mouth. It pulsated violently in her pursed lips.
She sucked hard as she moved over the smooth ridges until it hit the
back of her throat. Eva let out a hearty moan, and her vocal cords
vibrated against his rigid shaft.
She s enjoying this. Immensely, in fact.
The thought was enough to push him over the edge. His vision
still fixed on her, Andreas lifted his upper body up off the mattress
and reached for the huntress. He fisted his hand in the luxuriousness
of her hair and pushed her head farther down, urging her to accept [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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