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loved the shopping sprees with her cousins, she d seen her father and brother working in the business
world and couldn t stand being left behind.
So she set her mind on succeeding on her own. She graduated from college with her masters at
twenty-two and worked with a manufacturing company for ten years, from the entry-level manager s
position. Ten years later, she d risen up the ranks in record time and Terry had practically ruined
Green & Sons.
And that was when her father came knocking on her door with an offer she d never imagined
possible: take the reins of a billion-dollar empire away from her brother.
So where were you thinking of going for dinner? Dean moved to stand beside her.
There s a great Italian place two towns over. I can drive, Terry said confidently as he led the
way to the car without waiting for a response.
Victoria let out a breath. Ahh, she d forgotten his management style. Not that she d experienced
it personally, but she d heard plenty of horror stories. Go off on whatever whim he had without
waiting for feedback or opinions and then be surprised when everything blew up in his face.
The lessons she d learned from his failures were half the reason she was being so careful with
her latest acquisition.
Terry and Joslyn climbed into the front as Dean and Victoria shared the backseat of the rental
BMW. She really didn t want to judge, but she d thought she was being frivolous by renting the large
SUV for her time in North Carolina. What was Terry doing with a luxury car? Unless something had
changed, he was still not working and living solely off his trust fund.
So how did you two meet? asked Victoria as Terry steered the car out of the hotel parking lot.
It s crazy, he said. I was actually vacationing on an island in the Caribbean. Lying on the
beach, taking in the sun, and then I heard it. The most beautiful voice I ve ever heard asking the waiter
for another mojito.
Joslyn giggled. He s such an idealist! I was a drunk party girl on the beach, and he tells it like
I m his personal Aphrodite.
The corner of Victoria s mouth hooked up. Maybe she and Joslyn would get along&
I was enamored immediately, continued Terry. So I followed her around like a pathetic puppy
until she finally paid me the time of day.
Pshhh, said Joslyn. He offered to buy me a drink and I said yes, of course. And then we spent
the rest of the week together.
Very romantic, muttered Dean, not sounding at all convinced.
How long ago was that? Victoria shot Dean a stern look. Everything was going perfectly fine,
and his attitude wasn t called for.
Five and a half months ago, said Terry. It s been a life-changing experience.
I m happy for you, murmured Victoria. And she was. There was nothing worse than the feeling
of thinking she d ruined his life. It was cathartic to think there was hope for him.
So how did you two meet? asked Joslyn. I didn t realize you were with anyone.
Victoria sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Terry and Joslyn couldn t see her shocked face.
She d figured people would assume she and Dean were together, but not only minutes after meeting
them. Dean is helping me on a project, she insisted.
In addition to Joslyn s knowing smile she shot over her shoulder, Victoria also felt Dean s gaze
boring into her. What did he expect her to say? They weren t dating. They slept together once.
Maybe if it happened again, they could talk.
God, she wanted it to happen again. The damn backseat was too big. For the first time in her
life, she wished she was sitting on the plane and forced to be so close to him. Be able to feel his body
heat and touch him whenever she wanted.
But she knew for sure that she didn t want to discuss her feelings for Dean with her brother and
the apparent love of his life, and she knew exactly how to change the subject. Terry, while I am
happy that you re happy, I m not stupid. What are you doing here?
Just like magic, the car filled with tension.
Listen, Vicks, I know that we haven t had the easiest relationship, said Terry.
You know I never wanted that, she said softly.
I completely understand! But I ve been thinking about things lately. Now that Dad s in the
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