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one of the front tires. As the driver of the van approached the valve stem would be pulled out, giving an
instant flat tire. The driver would time it so that the guards could hear the bumping begin, then grow
worse. This would give the driver an excuse to get out of the van. As soon as he was standing,
complaining over the flat, another agent would hack into the guard shack computer preventing it from
communicating with anyone. While the inside guard was trying to figure out the problem the outside guard
would quietly have a pistol stuck in his ribs and be asked to lead the agent inside. A few seconds later,
the other agents would explode from the van for backup.
Jantz waited tensely in the lead vehicle parked out of sight, having driven the last mile without
lights. Gregory involved the local police without letting them in on anything material, simply calling in a
favor and having two patrol cars at the last intersections east and west before the road leading into
Petersburg Palace to prevent any local patrols from interfering. Crystal gripped his hand tightly, excited at
being a part of a FBI action. It seemed to take forever before Jantz heard the muted ring of his phone.
He punched the talk button, missed in his eagerness, and had to do it again. He listened for the voice of
the lead agent.
"Guard shack secure. No casualties. Come on in."
Jantz let out a huge breath of air, squeezed Crystal's hand, and started the van. He turned on the
parking lights, a signal for the others to get started. He waited a moment to allow them to get ready then
drove forward.
The resort consisted of three buildings; a small central administrative unit that separated
sprawling, one-story residence units on either side. The convoy split in two, three vehicles going to one
side of the administrative building, three to the other. Julie and Crystal were transferred to the van with
the flat tire, which had been rolled to the side of the road. The car Jantz had hitched a ride in pulled into
the canopied driveway followed by the other two. As if they were a group of arriving guests Jantz and the
two agents with him walked through the front entrance, quickly followed by those from the two other
"May I help you, sir?" the attendant at the reception desk asked Jantz.
Glancing around, Jantz pulled his weapon. The clerk backed away while making shoving
motions with his hands, as if to ward off what he assumed was a homicidal robber.
"Don't move, and don't talk," Jantz said softly. "Berlentz, you keep this gentleman company. The rest of
you follow me. Keep your weapons handy, but out of sight."
Jantz led his team down a long hallway. It ended at an intersection, then went left and right. Jantz
took the right turn, counted four doors and paused. Voices and laughter were coming from inside. He
motioned to the two agents designated to go through first then drop back to each side of the door ready
to cover the other four agents as they came in. Weapons came out, and Jantz gave the signal.
The first two agents pushed open the double doors, stepped aside, and shouted, "FBI! Freeze!"
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One man reached inside his jacket and ran jerkily towards a rear door. One of the lead agents
fired, aiming low. The man went down, but was still combative. He got to his feet and raised his handgun,
teeth clenched in a grimace of pain, and aimed at Jantz as if knowing he was the instigator of the raid.
Jantz had no idea whether it was his shot or those of two others that dropped the man, a bullet hole in his
head and another in his chest. It didn't matter, as he was dead before he hit the floor.
The rest of the operation was anti-climactic. Two other men were disarmed. Some of the dozen
men appeared puzzled at the sight of masks and rubber gloves. The two who had been armed did not.
Jantz signaled them out as Spartan Society indoctrinators. The others probably didn't know they were
carriers of another sex virus.
It took some time to get the body searches completed and more time to organize the bundling of the
papers. Two of the agents who were computer specialists determined what needed to be taken from the
hand-held laptops, and in-house computers. Jantz called the team that had gone after the women's group.
They had less trouble; only two women were armed and neither of them tried using their weapons. He
punched Crystal's phone number to tell her and Julie to come to the administrative building where the
captives would be sorted. He got a 'number not available' message. Puzzled, he tried again. An eerie
sense that something dire had happened rushed through his mind. Damn all, he should have left those
agents with them, not down the road.
"Thomas! Come with me! Hurry! The rest of you, get these slug-uglies cuffed and into the admin
The first agent followed him down the hall. Fortunately, the keys had been left in the lead vehicle. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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