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America stands on the threshold ! The choice is ours—either a permanent state of poverty and
degradation, or the full enjoyment of what science has made possible.
Will natural leaders in every community rise to the occasion, spread the truth, and lead their local forces
in demanding that our money system be made honest ? Those in control of our government have no
alternative but to recognize what the people demand. Do we Americans possess enlightened self-
interest, or shall we continue to be willing slaves to intrigue ?
The Open Review, Vols. 12, by Arthur Kitson, published May 1909—March 1910, by Frank Palmer,
London, England.
History of the Bank of England, by A. Andreades, published in 1909.
Real Money Versus Banks of Issue Promises-to-Pay, by T. Cushing Daniel, published in 1911.
High Cost of Living, by T. Cushing Daniel, published in 1912.
Banking and Currency and the Money Trust, by Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., published in 1913.
The Bank of England's Charters — The Cause of Social Distress, by Thomas W. Huskinson, published
in 1912 by P.S. King & Son, London, England.
A Fraudulent Standard, by Arthur Kitson, published in 1917 by P.S. King & Son, London, England.
Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt, by Frederick Soddy, M.A., F.R.S., 1st Edition, published May 5,
1926, E.P. Dutton & Co., New York. (Read the revised edition with the Foreword to the American
Nation, printed in the United States in 1933.)
The Role of Money—What It Should Be Contrasted With What It Has Become, by Frederick Soddy,
published in 1934 by George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., London, England.
The writer suggests that interested Americans club together and subscribe for the Congressional Record.
(Write to Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C.) The cost is $1.50 per month while
Congress is in session — about $7.50 per session. The revelations will be decidedly worth while. One
can learn which congressmen and senators are sincere and honest.
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